Y2K, Finally!!!
Good news!!!! Remember that generator you bought during the hype of Y2K? Well, go get it out of the garage, it is behind the treadmill and the cases of freeze dried turkey meat balls. Fill up that water barrel, load the shotgun and check the batteries in the radio. This time we got a real, by God, crisis on our hands!!! This is so bad that a Senator or two might lose their jobs.
Don't worry about the hedge fund traders, they'll be okay, it's Grandma that will take it in the neck this time. Straving children will take to the streets like locust. Schools of higher learning will be shuttered, throwing thousands of bored college students among us, they will be dammed to a life of shinning shoes without their degrees in General Business and Psychology.
Yep, this is the big one. All the talking heads, the pundits, the consultants, the outside experts, the ex Congressman now lobbyist, all agree, this is Armageddon!
Bad news? The Government of The United States will no longer be able to borrow money to borrow money. Yikes!!! We only borrow fifty cents of every one dollar and fifty cents we spend. We need the money, after all we have to send billions to third world countries that hate us. We have to prop up despots, thugs and dictators who oppress their people with our hardware.
Now that the Democrats and Republicans have been caught with their hands in the empty cookie jar, it is time to scare the daylights out of the taxpayers, time to sic the screaming, torch bearing crowds on those rich devils among us. Throw Grandpa out of the home, forget the Veterans checks, We really mean it this time!!
After spending all of our money, all the next generations money, and selling our soul to the Chinese, our leaders are holding a gun to our heads, let me borrow more money (for the 119th time) or I'll shoot the stock broker.
Did America run out of gas with the passing of the Greatest Generation? Where are the leaders to call us together, challenge the country to do the right thing for our future. Cowards concerned only with the next election dare not ask for real shared sacrifice.
America is better than this.
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